Goddess Interrupted (Goddess Test)

Goddess Interrupted (Goddess Test) - Aime Carter I did want to enjoy this, the back of the book promised big conflict, romance, tension and what I got was a whiny girl who should have been sent to college and to get a job for a few years before she was involved in the events of the first book even.If you're asking yourself if you love him during what is basically your honeymoon you got married too fast. The fact that you spent six months with another man? That you didn't jump his bones the minute you got back? Maybe the two of you have issues you need to deal with before getting caught up in ceremonies. FFS Talk already, get someone to help you, stop taking their "of course he loves you" and start asking you mum, particualarly, what the hell she means by that.It wasn't a bad read, it's just the conflict was all in Kate's head, she annoyed the heck out of me (and FYI Henry, tell her to get her ass up to the real world instead of being happy she wants to spend her whole time down with you, she needs more life experience)I'm sorry, this did come across as a "marry in haste, repent at leisure" scenario, and a little bit of real delayed gratification with the two of them rather than rushing into stuff would have been a good idea.I'm curious to know how the series goes on, but I hope Kate isn't as whiny in the next one.