
I decided to read another page and got sucked into the vortex of this book, not too bad as it's a novella but bad in that I just couldn't stop.
In a school for children who have returned from worlds they fitted in, Nancy is a new girl. Eleanor West is the headmistress and while she looks in her 60s she's older. Her world remains open but it no longer fits the person she has become. The students in this school yearn to return. Then people start to die and Nancy and some of the students determine to discover what's happening.
I'm sure there aren't many people who read escapist literature who yearn for a place that properly reflects their inner life but this is, indeed, one of the stories that points out some of the problems with that. It also points out some of the seduction of these other worlds and how they change a person in subtle ways. It was bitterly wistful and heartbreaking and I really liked it.
I got this copy from the library after reading the third novella in the series from the Hugo Ballot (which stands quite well alone) having had it on my TBR pile for quite a while.