I do deeply want to enjoy this, so many of my friends adore this series, but I think it's too fractured, I don't want to care much for a lot of the characters because I know people die, and I think Brienne is a character who deserved better.
It took me a fair few pushes to get to about half-way and then I was finished in a few hours, so I'm not being pulled in by it, it's just not happening easily enough.
Marriages happen, people die, people grow and change and I can see the puppeteers hand as he moves the pieces around. I can also see the idea of telling a story from several facets so you get a more rounded story, but at this stage I'd almost just like it to be one person's story, one view or maybe two. It's multilayered and complex and sometimes I find that more tedious than interesting. I get it, I know the why and the idea but the fractured story leaves me cold, it's not a storytelling style I enjoy that much.
Will I finish the series, probably, but there is no great urge in me to do so.