Beyond Basic Knitting: Techniques and Projects to Expand Your Skills (Stackpole Beyond Basics) (How To Basics)

Beyond Basic Knitting: Techniques and Projects to Expand Your Skills - Leigh Ann Berry This assumes you know how to knit and purl but doesn't assume much beyond that. If it's something to remind you about some skills and get you going knitting a few items to remind you how it works and trying out a few new techniques along the way then this is the book for you. It's a half step above a beginner book, for an intermediate beginner, someone comfortable with the basic concepts but wanting to stretch a little. The illustrations are clear and easy to follow. The projects are: Heart's Content Scarf - knitting a bias scarf. Good and basi Sugar Run Skirt - Provisional cast-on and knitting the casting - not my sort of thing but overall a good project Twin Lakes Cover-up and Hat- Lace and ruffles, a baby coverup and a little too twee for me Lantz Corners Shawl - moving from double pointed to circular and twiceworked bind off. Not a bad project or skill use, A square shawl that could also be a tablecloth Tracy Ridge Hat - Reading graphs, a hat that doubles up as a cowl though there are no shots of it as a cowl. Beaver meadows Felted purse - mitred rectangle bottom, embelishment, handle and edging - interesting bag and different handle, this is the coverproject. Big Rock Socks - Stranded colour knitting, longish fairly bulky socks Tionesta Lake Throw - swatching for texture and colour, use up some of that stash stuff Watson Crossing Sweater - flawless necklines with ANNA (Armhole Neck Neck Armhole order of decreases) ruffle edged cardigan Saybrook Neck warmer and wrist warmer - knitting with beads a bulky set with cables (the pictures are in a variagated yarn that mostly loses the texture of the piece) the bead knitting is the crochet hook method. overall not a bad book for someone looking to expand their horizons.