Ice blue

Ice blue - Anne Stuart This book does not survive scrutiny well. Yes things were exciting but I don't see Takashi surviving a normal life well, nor do I see Summer surviving well in his life, but apart from that, it is quite an amusing story. The True Realization Fellowship and their leader Shirosama want the bowl Summer Hawthorne was bequeathed by her Japanese Nanny. They have plans for it and they don't care what it takes to get it. Summer doesn't want to give it to them, she doesn't trust them and she really doesn't trust what they've done to her mother, not that her mother was outstanding at any rate. Into the struggle comes Takashi O'Brien, he works for The Committee, an international group whose aims aren't clear but they want to keep Shirosama from attaining his goal. Summer is expendable, but why does Takashi keep saving her? She is proving to be a chink in his armour. It's pretty predictable romance-wise but the thriller aspects of it kept me going and were, while far-fetched, quite interesting.