
Sepulchre (Languedoc Trilogy, #2) - Kate Mosse It kept me reading but didn't really impress. I suppose it's difficult to follow a success like Labyrinth (which I also found engaging but not impressive) and this rides solidly on it's coat tails. I am starting to really dislike novels that have parallel tracks of time and parallel stories happening. That's what this is about, two people seperated by time and reliving previous escapades, the two characters seem to be living parallel lives and parallel situations. To some degree it does work, but to another degree it's just tedious, it seems to have all of the flaws of Labyrinth without any of the charms. The smattering of french is occasionally tedious as well, particularly when it's translated, but that hits on another pet peeve of mine, if you're writing as translation, is it a good thing to throw in another language to remind your reader that it's a different language your characters are speaking or is it just an affectation (my vote here is affectation). It's also not helped by some American anachronisms that jar badly. Some characters from labyrinth appear here and it's not a terrible book but it's not a good book either.