The Dream Hunter

The Dream Hunter (Dream-Hunter, #1) - Sherrilyn Kenyon Arik is an immortal who feeds off the dreams of others to feel. He's found Megeara, an archaeologist hunting for Atlantis to vindicate her father's obsession, who has such vivid dreams that they have attracted Arik. Little does she know that there are a lot of people trying to stop her from finding Atlantis, if she finds Atlantis she might free Apollymi, and no-one really wants that. What she also doesn't know is that Arik promised her soul for his humanity, and they've got two weeks. Kenyon has written a great story here, it's fun and interesting and the politics are understandable, along with interesting interleaving into the rest of the series while being it's own book. Knowing the side characters helps but it's also quite a good story on it's own.