The Omnivore's Dilemma

The Omnivore's Dilemma - Michael Pollan An interesting read about the source of the food that we eat and how we have forgotten that nature is a cyclical and holistic system that requires us to work with it and not try to circumvent it. I preferred it to Eating because it doesn't present any way of eating as essentially better just different, and presenting different ethical issues. It's thought provoking and in ways you mightn't think and does encourage a middle path. In this one he gets down and dirty and actually helps out for a week on a organic farm and kills for himself to see if he can face up to the task. The writing is engaging and the topic is, well, topical, and I found myself agreeing with him an awful lot, and laughing at some of the accidents that happened to him when trying to make his own self-sourced dinner.