My Sunshine (Coulter Family)

My Sunshine - Catherine Anderson This is an interesting read. It deals sensitively with a skull injury and actually has moments of the main character being very frustrated and coping as best she can without being smarmy about it. Vet Isiah Coulter agrees to take on Laura Townsend as a kennel keeper as a favour to his mom. A car accident left her with aphasia, and occasionally she's trapped in a place where her intellect is let down by her brain. Before the accident she was on the fast track to a high-flying job but now she has to face up to the fact that kennel keeper may be as high as she can go. Underneath it all she's a lovely person and it's that that makes this a great story. Yes sometimes she's a little too perfect, but it's those shining moments where you can see her frustration creap in that make this an interesting read. I enjoyed it. However I can see where some people would be annoyed that Catherine Anderson seems to be doing a "disability theme" and using it for a romance series.