The Challenge

The Challenge - Susan Kearney One minute Tessa is protecting the President of the US and the next she wakes up naked in the hands of a hunk called Kahn and it's 200 years or so later. By awakening her psychic powers he's going to get full membership of the galactic league. He's convinced that the way to do this is to frustrate her sexually. Oh yeah, this one is a humdinger, I've read worse but I've also read much better. It hits all the cliches and just manages to irritate me on a regular basis. I have little patience for people who are one minute strong and resourceful and in the next can't breathe without permission from their alpha male other half. It reads somewhat like the author wrote a string of sex scenes for the characters and strung them together with a vague plot. Yes it has a better plot than some others in this genre but I really want a little more plot and character consistency sometimes.